Pool is a popular sport that is common both in homes with private tables as well as at bars, competitions, and other venues. As a game that can be played alone or with groups, it requires skill, patience, practice, and a well preserved pool table. It is important to care for a pool table well as any bit of damage to the table can affect the gameplay and how the pool balls roll. Basic maintenance, proper care, and regular inspections can help extend the life of your pool table and keep it in top condition.
Put it in a Permanent Home

Being moved is one of the biggest risks of damage for your pool table and having it installed in one place where it can remain, is one of the best ways to care for it. During moving, especially without trained pool table movers, either the wood or the slate may become damaged, the table may become misaligned, and scratches may occur. Whether using professional pool table installers or not, moving your table as little as possible is a key part of maintenance.
Keep it Covered
Prevent daily activities and the environment from damaging your pool table by using a pool table cover. This is an affordable investment that can save money in the long run by preventing spills, sunlight, and scratches from damaging the surface of the table. They are used to cover the table any time it isn’t in use, will reduce the need for regular dusting and cleaning, and prevent it from fading in sunlight.
Clean it Regularly
Any dust, dirt, and liquids can damage the felt of the pool table, so cleaning it regularly is a key part of regular pool table maintenance. This includes cleaning the surfaces of the table, the felt, the pool cues, and the pool balls. Begin with wiping down all wood or other areas of the table with a clean cloth and wood cleaner or polish as needed. Use a gentle soap and water with a soft cloth to clean the pool balls and dry them before use, preventing them from gathering dust or dirt that can transfer to the felt during play. Then address the felt or the cloth part of the table and use a soft bristle brush, preferably one specifically for this task, to brush any dirt from the center of the table towards the edges, and continue to clean the entire surface, removing any dust, dirt, or build up from the playing surface.
Avoid Leaning or Sitting on the Pool Table
Pool tables are built and maintained in a balance, with each part being set to ensure a flat playing surface. While it is common to lean against or sit on other tables, counters, or surfaces without much though, to do so to a pool table can cause it to become off balance or misaligned and the surface may become angled or damaged in some way. The pool balls will be unable to roll the expected way with a damaged surface or a table that is no longer flat.
Environmental Control

Keep your pool table in pristine condition by controlling the environment that surrounds it. This includes placing it where it will not be in direct sunlight, using a dehumidifier or humidifier depending upon the needs of the room, avoiding busy spaces where it will be bumped or used to put things on, allowing it to get too hot or too cold, and keeping it free of debris. To balance keeping it away from the sunlight, the use of a hanging light over the table will provide light to play by without causing damage to the table.
Professional Leveling and Installation
When you first get your table, or when you have moved it, it is key to the best game play to have it installed and leveled. This will include moving it into place with all the correct equipment to prevent damage to either the walls and surrounding and the table itself, ensuring it is placed with appropriate space around it in a location that will work well, and levelled completely for the best experience possible. Being properly installed will lengthen the lifespan of any pool table and ensure that it is working at its peak.
Regular use will result in wear and tear, and the way to correctly maintain the felt on the table will involve not only cleaning it but also replacing it when needed. Professional pool table repair companies are able to remove the old, worn felt and replace it with a new piece properly fitted. By maintaining the felt, you are protecting the surface beneath and thus protecting the lifespan of the table. This isn’t a maintenance task that will need to be done often on home tables but will become regular maintenance more frequently on commercial tables or those that are used daily.
Proper Storage
Owning a pool table comes with accessories and other items that are necessary for the game. To ensure proper maintenance these should be kept put away properly at all times, and not left to clutter the table or to become damaged. Pool cues should be kept in a rack that will prevent warping or other damages, the triangle rack should be stored hanging on the wall or within the included storage area for the table itself, and the pool balls should be stored appropriately to prevent rolling around or becoming lost, falling and becoming chipped, or other damages. These items should also be kept in a temperature stable room with a comfortable level of humidity. Each of these should also be maintained and cleaned regularly.
Avoid Smoking and Smoke
While cigarette smoking is one of the main environmental concerns for a pool table within a bar or other business, in the home there are several types of smoke and other environmental concerns that may be an issue. Both the felt and the wood will absorb smells and odors, and this will be difficult or impossible to remove. Both BBQ smoke and that from a backyard fire will be absorbed into the felt and may affect the wood if it alters the condensation within the room. Keep the fires and cooking items away from the windows where the pool table is or close the windows before your next cookout. This will also help to prevent it from fading in direct sunlight.
Regular Inspection

Like many other items and appliances in the home, a pool table will have regular wear and tear, and the sooner that it is noticed, or any damages are located, the faster and easier they are to repair. In order to maintain your table, check it regularly for signs of damage, scratches, wear on the felt, chips, and to ensure that it is still stable, and no legs are damaged or loose. Perhaps as often as once a month take the time to clean and wipe down the table and look for any potential problems that should be addressed. Many professional pool table repair companies will provide inspections periodically and can take care of any necessary repairs. This includes repairing or replacing felt, tightening the legs, checking bumpers and doing replacements as necessary, checking the pockets, and ensuring it remains level. Accessories should also be checked regularly during cleaning. Using damaged accessories including cues and pool balls can cause increased wear and damage to the table itself. Along with storing properly and cleaning, check for chips, warping, moisture damage, and other wear.
What to do for Pool Table Maintenance
If you find that your pool table has become damaged or is in need of repair, a professional pool table repair company may be required. They are fully trained, have experience, and can bring the correct tools for each task. This will ensure that no incorrect repairs are done and that the right materials are used for each part of the job. Having repairs done early and correctly will ensure that you get the longest life possible from your pool table, that you will enjoy the experience without interruptions to the game and retain its resale value in the event you choose to sell it later. Repairs that are done incorrectly may result in loss of use and more expensive repairs as the damage continues to worsen.
Use With Care
An easy to apply way to maintain your pool table is to ensure that you and all those who are using it are well versed in how to correctly use the table. This will prevent people from leaning on it, storing or stacking items on it that may warp the surface, spilling, or even damaging the table with the cue itself. All games should be approached with care and each person should be aware of the expectations on how to treat the table, what damages or concerns should result in pausing the use of the pool table until it can be repaired, and how to properly cover the table and store the accessories at the end of each period of use.